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10 Essential Skill MANDATORY If Want to Work at Google

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In Indonesia, a college degree is often regarded as an essential condition for success as capital. As if no academic degree, the opportunity to work in the company of renowned and pioneering a promising career closed. All that's not entirely true anyway, even Google, which is one of the largest IT companies in the world and has offices in Jakarta cool it is not so concerned with a college degree.

If you hope to one day want to work at Google, then you have to learn the skills that will JalanTikus discuss below. Not necessarily all, quite a few just yet mastered in depth. Google actually only employs 4,000 people out of 2.5 million applicants every year. Google is clearly not just accept the staff, must have a skill that is reliable, has high creativity, and has the ability on average. HR Team Google has released a list of skills that they want to see from an engineer or an engineer , let us learn.

10 Essential Skill MANDATORY If Want to Work at Google

1. Programming
Every Google employee must be able to write program code . At least one object -oriented programming languages ​​such as C ++, Java, and Phython . You can learn from CodePolitan, MIT OpenCourceWare , and the websites of other online learning programs.

2. Algorithms and Data Structures
Still related to programming, understanding of algorithms and data structures is important for Google. Learn the basics of data types such as stacks, queues, or bags and understand sorting algorithms such as quicksort, merge sort, or heapsort.

3. Make Compiler
The compiler itself is a system program that is used as a tool in programming . Software that performs the process peterjemah code ( made ​​up of programmers ) into machine language. Google understands that programs written to be understood by humans systematically certainly be interpreted to translate or low-level assembly language which ultimately understandable by machines. By understanding how to make the compiler is certainly an added value in the eyes of Google.

4. Parallel Programming
What is the Parallel Programming? Parallel Programming is a technique to compute simultaneously by utilizing multiple independent computers simultaneously. These skills are well liked by Google. The main purpose of parallel programming is to improve computing performance. The more things can be done simultaneously ( in the same time ) , the more work can be completed.

5. Other Programming Language Learning
Google would be like if you were able to master more than one programming language. The number of programming languages ​​today very much. Of the many programming languages ​​that exist today, of course, Google does not use all the existing programming languages​​. But perhaps it would be useful for certain purposes. So there is no harm if you learn at least 10 popular programming languages ​​in Indonesia, such as JavaScript, PHP, Visual Basic, and others.

6. Testing Program
Conduct testing or testing of programs that have been created, as important as making the program itself . Google wants to engineer they could detect a bug, make a test debugging and find a gap from the software they create, and be able to fix it.

7. Mathematic
swoow ! Lessons might we hate in this school turned out to be one of the skills that must be mastered by prospective employees of Google. Google wants its employees to understand such abstract mathematical logic and discrete mathematics. It makes sense really, considering compute if interpreted means counting, computer means calculating machine. Obviously a computer is very closely related to mathematics.

8. Artificial Intelligence
Google really like making products based AI or artificial intelligence. Lots robot developed at Google's office, they have a lot of engines that can work automatically. Therefore you also must learn about artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence ) and ropes.

9. Cryptography
Cryptography is a science which studies how to keep data or messages remain secure when transmitted from sender to receiver without interference from third parties . It is obviously necessary to work at Google, because Google is very happy with the security of the cyber world. Considering Google has a lot of products online and of course they want to all be in a good security. With cryptography course you know a potential candidate for Google.

10. Operating Systems
The operating system is the software on the computer , which regulate the different programs that use the computer hardware and regulate how users control the computer . Most of the work on Google using a computer , so the ability and knowledge of the operating system is very Google needed. Of course, the best job search is the desire of every person.
A decent job with a big salary became our dream home. Hopefully the above list could be a provision to eventually apply for a job at Google. Study harder it is, how do you think ?

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